Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.That's a leader.That's us.


League of Educated Amalgamated and Dominating STJrians (LEADS) is the name of batch 2005-2009.We decided to unite for the benefits of all of us.Our number sharply increase and by 2009, we proudly have 123 members.So this group is created to tighten the brotherhood among us after leaving school.United we stand,divided we fall.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

jom usha nih

hye guys!

check this out..

kepada sape2 yang berminat,boleh la tengok2 ny.. 

haa..ny ade lagi.
kalau nak carik scholarships ke..
klik saje di sini k..
this is a great website

ny lagi..tekan je. 
klik la lagi.
hope mende2 ny bguna la ye utk korg.

itu saje
sekian,time kaseh

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